Thursday 3 November 2022

Oracle Fusion: How to create Approval Delegation Rules / Vacation Rule / Approval Delegation Rule


Step1: Click on Bell Icon


Click on Show all

Click on Worklist


Step2: Lets Create Delegation rule.

  Right Hand Side - Top Corner > Select Preference

-           Click on Other Rule

Se    Search the username for whom we need to created delegation rule.

-           Click on “+”

-           Enter Name

-           Select Checkbox – Execute rule between these dates.

-           Select Start and End Date

-           Select Task : Task Matching this conditions

-           Click on “+”

-           Search Approver and Select the Approver name which you want to delegate

-           Select the Radio Button Delegate To – Select the person whom we need to send approver during that period.



Person1-  (who is on leave or vaction)


Person2 - (who will approve in absence of Person1)


Now going forward all the approval redirect to person2 till the end date which we selected.

Saturday 8 October 2022

Oracle Fusion: How to Create New Requisition Approval Rules



Navigate to: 

Setup and Maintenance > Setup Select: Procurement > Search with Manage%Approval


Step2: Select Header Stage > Edit Rule


Step3: Click on “+” Icon


Step4: Enter the Rule Name, Set the Priority (High/Medium/Low) & Description

Step5: Enter Condition and Action.



Click on Save.

Click on Deploy.

Lets check Newly created Approval Rule is working or not.

Step7: Create Requisition.


Step8: Click on Manage Approval.

We can able to see the new approval coming in the approval list.

Sunday 18 September 2022

Oracle Fusion: SQL Query to Get Reference Data Sets and their Assigned with Business Units

 SELECT fsa.reference_group_name,






    FROM fnd_setid_assignments   fsa,

         fun_all_business_units_v bu,

         fnd_setid_sets_vl       fs

   WHERE     1 = 1

         AND fsa.determinant_type = 'BU'

         AND fsa.determinant_value = bu.bu_id

         AND fsa.set_id = fs.set_id

         AND fsa.reference_group_name LIKE 'PER%'

ORDER BY reference_group_name,


