Thursday, 18 July 2019

How to define event-based Oracle Alert on Custom Tables Insert/Update

Subject: Required to send a notification when data Insert/Update on a custom table.

Oracle Alert Drawback: As per the oracle standards, we cannot enable oracle event-based alert on the custom table directly.


Step 1: Required to register your custom table into oracle apps.

-                  Custom table name: MWANI_MARINE_TBL

Table Definition:

-        We have required to register custom table using Oracle API as from Oracle Application, we can not able to register custom table to APPS.

-        We have required to register table in Receivable (AR) application.

(p_appl_short_name => 'AR',    --Application name in which you want to register
p_tab_name      =>'MWANI_MARINE_TBL', --Table Name
p_tab_type      =>'T',   -- T for Transaction data , S for seeded data
p_next_extent     =>512,   -- default 512
p_pct_free        =>10,   -- Default 10
p_pct_used        =>70 --Default 70

Step 2: Required to register all custom table column into oracle apps using Oracle API.

-         As in custom table having many columns, We have designed temp table where I will insert all column configuration as per the below screenshots, based on that column configuration details we will register all column using Oracle API.

Temporary Table Data:

Temp Table Definition: (Temporary Table Name: XX_TEMP_TBL)

create table XX_TEMP_TBL

PLSQL Code for Oracle API for register Table Column in Oracle Apps:

select *from XX_TEMP_TBL where table_name='MWANI_MARINE_TBL';
      mo_global.init ('AR');
      mo_global.set_policy_context ('S', 81);
      fnd_global.apps_initialize (fnd_profile.value('user_id'),fnd_profile.value('resp_id') ,fnd_profile.value('resp_appl_id'));

    (p_appl_short_name =>'AR',
    p_tab_name      =>'MWANI_MARINE_TBL',
    p_col_name     =>trim(y.COL_NAME),
    p_col_seq      =>trim(y.SEQ_NO),
    p_col_type     =>trim(y.COL_TYPE),
    p_col_width    =>trim(y.COL_WIDTH),
    p_nullable        =>'Y',
    p_translate       =>'N',
    p_precision       => null,
    p_scale           =>null

Step 3: Once data submitted. Required to check this table registered in oracle application or not.

-          Navigation: Application Developer > Application > Database > Table

-          You can query with the table name. You will find all the table configuration.

-          Now table successfully registered with Oracle Receivable Application.

Step 4: Required to enable event-based oracle alert.

-          Navigation: Alert Manager > Alert > Define

-          Create oracle alert using the registered custom table as per the requirement.

-          Create action for the event click on Action Button.

-          Click on Action Details.

-          Filled up required details for send notification to respective person.

-          Save the data.

-          Close the tab.

-          Click on Action Sets. Enter Action Sets name.

-          Click on Action Set Details.

-          Enter the member details.

-          Close the window.

-          Click on Alert Details

-          Go to the Installation tab.

-          Assign Operating Units.

(Note: Required to Assign the Operating Units because event-based trigger have security profile check restriction)

Step 5: After Event Alert Trigger fire you can check the alert status.

-                 Navigation: Alert Manager > History.

-          You can search by custom oracle alert name.

-          Click on Find Checks.

-          It will give you the history of Alert fire events.

-          It’s showing status: Error because currently, our SMTP server was down.

-          You can check alert message output.

-          Click on Find Actions.

-          Click on Action Log.

-          You can check the notification output.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

How to define oracle Day360 Formula function equivalent to Excel Day360 Function

create or replace function days_360(
       p_start_date           date,
       p_end_date             date,
       p_rule_type            char default 'F'
    RETURN number
  v_mm1    pls_integer;
  v_dd1    pls_integer;
  v_yyyy1  pls_integer;
  v_mm2    pls_integer;
  v_dd2    pls_integer;
  v_yyyy2  pls_integer;
  v_yyyy1 := to_number(to_char(p_start_date,'yyyy'));
  v_mm1   := to_number(to_char(p_start_date,'mm'));
  v_dd1   := to_number(to_char(p_start_date,'dd'));
  v_yyyy2 := to_number(to_char(p_end_date,'yyyy'));
  v_mm2   := to_number(to_char(p_end_date,'mm'));
  v_dd2   := to_number(to_char(p_end_date,'dd'));
  IF p_rule_type = 'F' THEN
     IF v_dd1 = 31 THEN v_dd1 := 30; END IF;
     IF v_mm1 = 2  AND v_dd1 = to_number(to_char(last_day(p_start_date),'dd'))
          THEN v_dd1 := 30; END IF;
     IF v_dd2 = 31
          THEN IF v_dd1 < 30
                    THEN v_dd2 := 1;
                         v_mm2 := v_mm2 + 1;
                         IF v_mm2 = 13 THEN v_mm2 := 1;
                                            v_yyyy2 := v_yyyy2 +1;
                         END IF;
                    ELSE v_dd2 := 30;
               END IF;
     END IF;
     IF v_mm2 = 2  AND v_dd2 = to_number(to_char(last_day(p_end_date),'dd'))
          THEN v_dd2 := 30;
               IF  (v_dd1 < 30)
                   THEN v_dd2 := 1;
                        v_mm2 := 3;
               END IF;
     END IF;
     IF v_mm2 IN (4, 6, 9, 11) AND v_dd2 = 30
          AND v_dd1 < 30
          THEN v_dd2 := 1;
               v_mm2 := v_mm2 + 1;
     END IF;
  ELSIF p_rule_type = 'T' THEN
     IF v_dd1 = 31 THEN v_dd1 := 30; END IF;
     IF v_dd1 = 31 THEN v_dd1 := 30; END IF;
     IF v_mm1 = 2  AND v_dd1 = to_number(to_char(last_day(p_start_date),'dd'))
          THEN v_dd1 := 30; END IF;
     IF v_dd2 = 31 THEN v_dd2 := 30; END IF;
     IF v_mm2 = 2  AND v_dd2 = to_number(to_char(last_day(p_end_date),'dd'))
          THEN v_dd2 := 30; END IF;
  ELSE RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR('-20002','3VL Not Allowed Here');
  RETURN (v_yyyy2 - v_yyyy1) * 360
       + (v_mm2 - v_mm1) * 30
       + (v_dd2 - v_dd1);

Testing SQL Script:

select days_360('03-FEB-2016','31-MAR-2019') from dual;

Thursday, 4 April 2019

How to define oracle fusion gapless custom sequence at Ship Confirm Form Level

Fusion Generate Gapless Custom Sequence at
Ship Confirm Form Level

Requirement: As Oracle fusion, ship-confirm level shipment number sequence having a random seq. generate nature. We have required to assign a unique sequence number to shipment transaction.

Goto Home > Setup and Maintenance

Select Manufacturing and Supply Chain Material Management.


    1)      Select the Shipping tab from the left panel. 
    2)      Select ALL Task from LOV

         Select  ‘Manage Shipping Document Sequences’.
·         Before creating shipping document sequence, create a sequence category.


·         Go to > Setup and Maintenance > Search > Manage Document Sequence Category.

Click on Search.

Create Document New Sequences.


Add details as per below screenshots.


Assign Newly created Document Sequence with Legal Entity.

Now we have to assign the following Document Sequence in shipping parameter window.

Shipping Document Job Set Rule.

·         Create Shipping document Job set as per below screenshot


      Define Ship Confirm Rule:-
·         Define Ship confirm rule and assign this to manage shipping parameter

Goto Home > Setup and Maintenance > Manufacturing and Supply Chain Material Management.
     1)      Select the Shipping tab from the left panel.
     2)      Select ALL Task from LOV
     3)      Select ‘Manage Shipping Parameter’



Now Create SO transaction and create Ship Confirm for the same.
Now Packing Slip Number (Which is in sequence in reference of sales order) automatically generated at Ship Confirm Level.

You can get that value from backend by using the following query.
Shipment Number = Delivery_id = 15016

SQL Query:
select delivery_id,packing_slip_number from wsh_new_deliveries
where packing_slip_number is not null and delivery_id=15016
