Tuesday 26 November 2019

Workflow Mailer Notification Issue Solution - Specific user not getting a workflow notification in system or email for any transaction.

Subject: Specific user not getting a workflow notification in system or email for any transaction.


Step 1: Run following query for specific username.

Sql Query:
select name, notification_preference
from apps.wf_users
where notification_preference = 'DISABLED'
and status = 'ACTIVE'
and name='2346';

-          Current user account notification preference is disabled required to enable.

Step2: Required to enable User account notification preference.

Step3: Login with Specific User Account.

Step4: Click on Preference link.

Step5: The bottom part of the window ensure that their notification preference is set appropriately.

Step6: Required to set Email Style= ‘HTML mail with Attachments’ and click on the Apply button. 

-          Now in future this user will get notification & attachment after enable those preference settings.

-          If you check this user details using the same query, now it will not found in the query list.

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