Fusion: Define Custom Sequence with DFF attributes
Goto Home > Select Setup and Maintenance Icon
Select Manufacturing and Supply Chain Material Management.
1) Select the shipping tab from the left panel.
2) Select ALL Task from LOV
Select ‘Manage Shipping Descriptive Flexfields’
Select the Search Button to find all available option.
Select Shipment for Edit.
Enter Details as per the screenshots
For Add or update Global Segment details
Default Value:
select trim(nvl(to_char(max(to_number(attribute1))+1,'00000000'),'10000001')) xx from wsh_new_deliveries where attribute1 is not null
and to_number(attribute1) >= 10000000
and REGEXP_LIKE(trim(attribute1), '^[[:digit:]]+$')
Now when you complete ship confirms process, it will automatically generate the sequence and insert into attribute1 value.
(Note: Sometimes due to browser cache issue sequence number will be duplicate)