Showing posts with label #OracleFusion #SunInventoryTransfer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #OracleFusion #SunInventoryTransfer. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 October 2021

Oracle Fusion: How to Create Inventory Sub-Inventory Transfer Transaction

Subject: Business required to move on-hand stock from one sub inventory to another sub-inventory for that we need to create a sub-inventory transfer.

--Item Details--

Item Code: 04081006.1

Organization: DHY

Sub-Inventory1: C1-R2-150-A-G05

Sub-Inventory2: C2-R2-170-A-G09

Let me check the Item stock before creating the transaction against both sub-inventory.

Navigation: Oracle Home Page > Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management

Click on the right-side panel Task Button > Show Task "Inventory" > Manage Item Quantities.

Sub-Inventory1: G05
Locator: C1-R2-150-A-G05
QTY: 11

Sub-Inventory2: G09
Locator: C2-R2-170-A-G09 
QTY: 8

Let's create the sub-inventory transfer from G05 to G09

Navigation: Oracle Home Page > Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management > Select Task > Show Task "Inventory" > Create Subinventory Transfer.

Enter all the required details.

Date: It must be within the open inventory accounting period.

Type: Subinventory Transfer

Item: 04081006.1


Sub-Inventory: G05
Locator: C1-R2-150-A-G05

Sub-Inventory: G09
Locator: C2-R2-170-A-G09 

Qty: 1

Reason: Stock Pick

After entering all the details click on Submit button. 

Now let's check on hand in both sub-inventory locators.

Click on the right-side panel Task Button > Show Task "Inventory" > Manage Item Quantities.

Sub-Inventory1: G05
Locator: C1-R2-150-A-G05
QTY: 10

Sub-Inventory2: G09
Locator: C2-R2-170-A-G09 
QTY: 9

Sun-inventory transfer transaction completed successfully.