Sunday 24 July 2022

Oracle EBS: How to Create Materialized View & How to Refresh Materialized View

Subject: We will review here how to create materialized view and how to refresh the materialized view on demand.


Step1: Create Employee and Employee Address table based on that we create Materialized view. Also, insert 1 -1 record each.

create table xx_emp (emp_num NUMBER, emp_name VARCHAR2(240));

INSERT INTO xx_emp VALUES(1001,'David');


create table xx_emp_add (emp_num NUMBER, address VARCHAR2(240));

INSERT INTO xx_emp_add VALUES(1001,'USA');


Step2: Create materialized view based on the above-created custom tables.


create materialized view xx_emp_v AS






xx_emp a,

xx_emp_add b

where a.emp_num=b.emp_num;


Step3: Try to run the materialized view.

select * from xx_emp_v;  --It will give one record only



Step4: Create a new Entry and check the materialized view output.

INSERT INTO xx_emp VALUES(1002,'John');

INSERT INTO xx_emp_add VALUES(1002,'France');


select * from xx_emp_v;  --It will give one record only


Step5: We need to refresh the materialized view using the below script and check the Materialized view output.

exec dbms_mview.refresh('xx_emp_v'); -- Materialized view refresh script.

select * from xx_emp_v;  --It will give two records only


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