Wednesday 3 February 2021

Oracle Fusion ERP and SCM Cloud Application - Custom Object - Create Entity - SOAP Envelop - Request and Response Sample payload

--ERP and SCM Cloud Application - Custom Object WSDL Link--


--SOAP Request--

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns1="">



         <ns2:object xsi:type="ns1:Party_c" xmlns:xsi="">









--SOAP Response--

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:typ="">






      <ns0:createEntityResponse xmlns:ns0="">

         <ns2:result xsi:type="ns1:Party_c" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsi="">









            <ns1:LastUpdateLogin xsi:nil="true"/>

            <ns1:UserLastUpdateDate xsi:nil="true"/>





            <ns1:SelectedRow xsi:nil="true"/>







  1. Replies
    1. Hi Hany this is the oracle provided rest API's only, only we need to initialize our object API name in that payload.

  2. Custom objects created in Oracle Fusion CRM or FSCM applications are by default REST API enabled (get, post, delete and patch ) and can be invoked using any REST API client.

    FSCM custom objects:
    https://<%your saas name%><%custom object name%>

    CRM application custom objects<%crm custom object name%>

    because Fusion FSCM extensions does not support SOAP oracle has provided an object to access the custom objects created in CRM and FSCM application using below object and WSDLS
    FSCM custom objects look for WSDL for FscmCustomReferenceService object
    CRM custom objects look for WSDL for CustomReferenceService object

    run below REST API to get the WSDL files
    FSCM Service WSDL URL: https://servername/fscmService/FscmCustomReferenceService?WSDL
    CRM Service WSDL URL: https://servername/crmService/CustomReferenceService?WSDL
