Requirement: Bank disbursement etext report
output file having multiple special characters like (i.e special character ‘&’, ’*’, ‘(‘, ‘)’ ) which is not accepted by banking
Example :
output having following text,
ABC & XYZ cooperation (LTD)
- Bank will not accept this format
output required. Which is accepted at the banking system interface.
XYZ cooperation LTD - Bank accepted format
Issue Facing during using SQL REPLACE
We can use REPLACE
function to replace special character from a specific field, but on specific the field we can use max 1 or 2 nested REPLACE function at etext
template level which is a limitation.
But when we
have multiple special characters to replace REPLACE function will not
work properly, We required to find other solution
We can
define the set of replacing a character in etext template definition part. You can see
highlighted screenshot.
In between
start tag <REPLACE CHARACTERS> and
end tag <END REPLACE
we have to use all special character which we have to
replace, in the 1st column
we have to add special character which we have to replace and in 2nd the column we have to add what we have to use in replacement of special character,
I have given space only as I want to remove the special character from my report output.
You can
update your template and check your output your issue will be resolved.