Tuesday 10 September 2019

How to fetch previous record amount value as reference in current record at BI Report RTF level

Example: Report level balance is required to calculate based on the following formula.

Opening Balance: CF_DR_OB (Opening Debit Balance) - CF_CR_OB (Opening Credit Balance)
Balance: Opening Balance + (Debit line amount – Credit line amount)

Note: CF_DR_OB & CF_CR_OB are RDF level defined formula column.

Report Output Format:

Step 1: Set Temp local variable tag at RTF level:
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'RTotalVar', (CF_DR_OB - CF_CR_OB))?>

Step 2: Create Line Amount Variable tag:
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'RTotalVar',xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'RTotalVar') + (xdoxslt:to_number(PAY_AMT_DR) - xdoxslt:to_number(INV_AMT_CR) ))?>

Now upload the RTF file and execute the report you will get the expected solution.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Issue: Oracle Custom Form Enable List Lamp does not appear in Date field Property Palette LOV level.

At the time of open custom form or compilation time into Form builder following Error received.


FRM-18108: Failed to load the following objects
Source Module: APPSTAND Source Object: STANDARD_PC_AND_VA
Source Module: APPSTAND Source Object: STANDARD_TOOLBAR
Source Module: APPSTAND Source Object: STANDARD_CALENDAR

Solution: Required to load all standard object source file before compiling the form or opening the form.

Step 1: Download APPSTAND.fmb  file from ($AU_TOP/forms/US)  using FTP server.

Step 2: Copy this APPSTAND.fmb file at local machine Form Path Level and paste it at the local machine level form path location.

We can check the local machine form path.

My Computer > Right Click > Property > Advance System Settings > Advanced > Environment Variable > FORM_PATH

Upload .fmb file

Step 3: Open the APPSTAND.fmb file into the form builder after that open your custom form .fmb file.

Step 4: Now an onward custom form will never give any error for missing source object files.

Step 5: Now you can able to see ENABLE_LIST_LAMP option in text field Property palette LOV level.

After loading the APPSTAND.fmb many standard object subclass also you can able to use.

Sunday 21 July 2019

How to check budget fund for specific account - Oracle Query

Subject: Required to check fund is available for the specific account during oracle form validation or reporting level.

Solution: Following procedure will return the available fund amount & status (Y- Available, N-InSufficient Fund)

PLSQL Procedure:

create or replace PROCEDURE is_fund_available (p_gl_account        IN     VARCHAR2,
                                p_amount            IN     NUMBER,
                                p_date              IN     DATE,
                                p_module            IN     VARCHAR2,
                                px_fund_available      OUT NUMBER,
                                px_result              OUT VARCHAR2)
      lx_budget                     NUMBER;
      lx_encumbrance                NUMBER;
      lx_actual                     NUMBER;
      lx_funds_available            NUMBER;
      lx_req_encumbrance_amount     NUMBER;
      lx_po_encumbrance_amount      NUMBER;
      lx_other_encumbrance_amount   NUMBER;
      l_conversion_rate             NUMBER;
      l_encumbrance_type_id         NUMBER;
      l_closing_status              VARCHAR2 (2);
      l_set_of_books_id             NUMBER;
      l_period_name                 VARCHAR2 (30);
      l_period_set_name             VARCHAR2 (50);
      l_period_type                 VARCHAR2 (30);
      l_period_num                  VARCHAR2 (30);
      l_quarter_num                 VARCHAR2 (30);
      l_period_year                 VARCHAR2 (30);
      l_currency_code               VARCHAR2 (10);
      l_budget_version_id           NUMBER;
      l_code_combination_id         NUMBER;
      lx_funds_available_usd        NUMBER;
      ln_fund_exclusion             NUMBER;
      p_end_date                    DATE;
      expense_exception             EXCEPTION;
      l_rei_curr_code               VARCHAR2 (10);
      ln_period_year                gl_periods.period_year%TYPE;
      lc_period_name                gl_periods.period_year%TYPE;
      x_msg_status                  VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
      x_msg_data                    VARCHAR2 (100);
      p_ledger_id                   NUMBER := 2021;
      p_rei_curr_code               VARCHAR2 (10) := 'QAR';
      l_req_encumbrance_id          NUMBER;
      l_po_encumbrance_id           NUMBER;
      l_oblig_revresal_amount       NUMBER := 0;
      l_oblig_revresal_enucm_id     NUMBER := NULL;
      lx_funds_available_temp       NUMBER := 0;

      CURSOR get_period_year
         SELECT period_year
           FROM gl_periods
          WHERE p_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;

      CURSOR get_last_period
           SELECT gp.period_type,
             FROM gl_sets_of_books gsob, gl_periods gp
            WHERE     gsob.period_set_name = gp.period_set_name
                  AND gp.period_year = ln_period_year
                  AND gsob.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
                  AND adjustment_period_flag != 'Y'
         ORDER BY period_num;

      lcu_get_last_period           get_last_period%ROWTYPE;
         SELECT code_combination_id
           INTO l_code_combination_id
           FROM gl_code_combinations_kfv x
          WHERE x.concatenated_segments = TRIM (p_gl_account);
         WHEN OTHERS
            x_msg_status := x_msg_status || 'ERR:CCD';

      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
         'Code combination id is ' || l_code_combination_id);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Set of books id is :' || p_ledger_id);

         SELECT 1
           INTO ln_fund_exclusion
           FROM gl_budget_assignments
          WHERE     ledger_id = p_ledger_id                --l_set_of_books_id
                AND code_combination_id = l_code_combination_id--AND amount_type = 'YTD'
                                                               --AND funds_check_level_code = 'B'
            ln_fund_exclusion := 0;
         WHEN OTHERS
            ln_fund_exclusion := 0;

      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Fund Exclusion:' || ln_fund_exclusion);

      IF NVL (ln_fund_exclusion, 0) = 1
            SELECT period_name,
              INTO l_period_name,
              FROM gl_periods
             WHERE period_name = TO_CHAR (p_date, 'Mon-rr');
            WHEN OTHERS
               x_msg_status := x_msg_status || 'ERR:Period';
         --RAISE expense_exception;

            SELECT currency_code
              INTO l_currency_code
              FROM gl_sets_of_books
             WHERE set_of_books_id = NVL (p_ledger_id, 1001);
            WHEN OTHERS
               l_currency_code := 'QAR';

            SELECT budget_version_id
              INTO l_budget_version_id
              FROM gl_budgets_with_dates_v
             WHERE     set_of_books_id = NVL (p_ledger_id, 1001)
                   AND status != 'R'
                   AND status = 'C'
                   -- Status 'C' denotes the Current Active Budget
                   AND p_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
            WHEN OTHERS
               l_budget_version_id := 1000;                  --Approved Budget

         OPEN get_period_year;

         FETCH get_period_year INTO ln_period_year;

         CLOSE get_period_year;

            SELECT closing_status
              INTO l_closing_status
              FROM gl_period_statuses
             WHERE     period_name = l_period_name
                   AND application_id = 101
                   AND set_of_books_id = NVL (p_ledger_id, 1001);
            WHEN OTHERS
               x_msg_status := x_msg_status || 'ERR:Closing status';


         -- DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Last Period Name ' ||lcu_get_last_period.period_name);

         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Period Closing status ' || l_closing_status);

         /* l_period_type     := lcu_get_last_period.period_type;
         l_period_set_name := lcu_get_last_period.period_set_name;
         l_period_name     := lcu_get_last_period.period_name;
         l_period_num      := lcu_get_last_period.period_num;
         l_quarter_num     := lcu_get_last_period.quarter_num;
         l_period_year     := lcu_get_last_period.period_year;*/

         /* Budget Validation ends here */
         gl_funds_available_pkg.calc_funds (
            x_amount_type                => 'YTDE',
            x_code_combination_id        => l_code_combination_id,
            x_account_type               => 'A',
            x_template_id                => NULL,
            x_ledger_id                  => p_ledger_id,
            x_currency_code              => l_currency_code,
            x_po_install_flag            => 'Y',
            x_accounted_period_type      => l_period_type,
            x_period_set_name            => l_period_set_name,
            x_period_name                => l_period_name,
            x_period_num                 => l_period_num,
            x_quarter_num                => l_quarter_num,
            x_period_year                => l_period_year,
            x_closing_status             => l_closing_status,
            x_budget_version_id          => l_budget_version_id,
            x_encumbrance_type_id        => NVL (-1,  --l_encumbrance_type_id,
                                                    -1),                 ---1,
            x_req_encumbrance_id         => NULL, --1000,--l_req_encumbrance_id       ,
            x_po_encumbrance_id          => NULL, --1001,--l_po_encumbrance_id,
            x_budget                     => lx_budget,
            x_encumbrance                => lx_encumbrance,
            x_actual                     => lx_actual,
            x_funds_available            => lx_funds_available_temp,
            x_req_encumbrance_amount     => lx_req_encumbrance_amount,
            x_po_encumbrance_amount      => lx_po_encumbrance_amount,
            x_other_encumbrance_amount   => lx_other_encumbrance_amount);

         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
               'Amount Available (lx_funds_available_temp):'
            || lx_funds_available_temp);


         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Budget amount is ' || lx_budget);

         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Encumbrance amount is ' || lx_encumbrance);

         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Actual amount is ' || lx_actual);

         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('From Currency is ' || l_currency_code);

         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('To Currency is ' || l_rei_curr_code);

         IF (NVL (lx_funds_available_temp, 0) < NVL (p_amount, 0))
            x_msg_data := 'Insufficient Funds';
            x_msg_status := 'N';
            x_msg_data := 'sufficient Funds';
            x_msg_status := 'Y';

         END IF;

      END IF;

      px_result := x_msg_status;
      px_fund_available := NVL (lx_funds_available_temp, 0);
         x_msg_data := 'Insufficient Funds';
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error:' || SQLERRM);
         x_msg_status := 'insufficient fund3';
         px_result := x_msg_status;

   END is_fund_available;

----Testing PLSQL Script----

px_fund_available  NUMBER:=0;
px_result         VARCHAR2(1000):=NULL;

insert into temp_tbl values(1,px_fund_available);
insert into temp_tbl values(2,px_result);


You can able check fund for the specific account from oracle application screen.

Navigation: General Ledger Super User > Inquiry > Fund

You can query that specific account code for a specific period and check the funds available.