Sunday 8 July 2018

Oracle Tax Rate Code Query

   SELECT DISTINCT tax_rate_code
    WHERE     a.tax_regime_code = b.tax_regime_code
          AND (   a.effective_to IS NULL
               OR TRUNC (a.effective_to) >= TRUNC (SYSDATE))
          AND (   b.effective_to IS NULL
               OR TRUNC (b.effective_to) >= TRUNC (SYSDATE));

Oracle Supplier Based On Organization Profile Query

   SELECT DISTINCT a.Vendor_name,
     FROM ap_suppliers a, ap_supplier_sites_all b, hr_operating_units c
    WHERE a.vendor_id = b.vendor_id AND b.org_id = c.organization_id
    AND c.organization_id=fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID');

Oracle Web ADI Defaulting Flagged Row Issue

Web ADI Defaulting Flagged Row Issue

Requirement: Sometimes the client wants to default selection of flagged rows option, instead of select all rows.

Navigation: Application Developer Responsibility > Application > Function
Query Custom Function which you define for web ADI

Goto Form Tab

Parameter: bne:page=BneCreateDoc&bne:integrator= XXAPINV6_XINTG&bne:rows=FLAGGED

Add defaulting parameter like shown above.